Special Permission to Stay in Japan

A Special Permission to Stay in Japan shall be granted by the minister of Justice to foreign nationals under the category of "Deportation" and who wish remain in Japan. When judging whether to grant or not, all relevant circumstances for individual cas is taken into consideration.Those include reason for the requested stay, family circumsatances, conduct of the applicant, situations in Japan and abroad, consideration of humanitarian grounds and so on.
Moreover, the following specific elements are also taken into account.

Positive and Negative Elements

The Immigration Bureau has published "Guidelines for Special Permission to Stay" which stipulate following factors considered in making a decision whether to grant a "Special Permisiion to Stay in Japan" or not.

Example of Possitive Elements

  • Who voluntarily appeared at a regional immigration bureau decleared their charges.
  • One or both of their parents are Japanese nationals or special permanent residents".
  • Who take care of their children studying in elementary and secondary schools and living in Japan for a considerable period.
  • Who have been living in Japan for a long time and can be considered to be settled down.
  • Who are married with a Japanese national or special permanent resident.
  • Who needs special treatment in Japan for a serious illness or has to nurse a family member who needs such a treatment. etc.

Example of Negative Elements

  • Who have been punished for serious crime such as sumggling of firearms, narcotics etc., illegal employment, illegal receipt or issue of passports, etc.
  • Who have entered Japan illegally.
  • Who have left Japan under the procedures of deportation in the past. etc.

Whether or not to grant Special Permission to Stay in Japan depends on comprehensive circumstances supposed to be examined by individual case. A negative element does not lead foreign nationals to immediate deportation and vice versa.

We go along with you

We accompany foreign nationals who intend to appear at a regional immigration bureau and support for procedures under "Special Permission to Stay in Japan".
Althoug foreign nationals who had to leave Japan under "Departure Order System" will be supported by us in application for reentry into Japan after the reentry prohibited period.